Invite someone to join the APA!
Create a personalized invitation for the Eastern contact of Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion to join or renew their APA membership!
Their Email:


I would like to appoint you as a representative of Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion in the APA Affiliated Groups System. All affiliated group representatives must be APA current members, and because you are not currently a member, I am not able to appoint you as Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion representative.

So I am writing to ask you to renew your APA membership in order to serve as group representative for Society for Realist-Antirealist Discussion. You can do that here: Join or renew today!

If you need assistance with the renewal process, please contact Linda Nuoffer, APA Membership Coordinator, at She will be happy to assist you.

Thank you in advance for renewing your membership.
